The name of our film is currently undecided, but at the moment we are using the working name from my pitch, "De(i)fied", as this can be read as "deified" or "defied". This name suits the story, at least for the moment. The word "defied" is relevant because the girls will be forced to show a great deal of that in order to survive the events of the movie. They could also practically be compared to deities as they are responsible for saving our world as we know it. Similarly, girl A would seem almost goddess-like to girl B, simply because she is from a parallel universe and is therefore completely alien to her.
On the topic of aliens, then, one of the fonts we're considering using for our title sequence (sourced by
Dafont) is that from the movie "Alien". This film is also among our influences, mostly due to its strong female lead.

The font highlights the 'i', meaning it is easier to spot the ambiguous meaning of the title. The chief drawback, however, is that this font is already very recognisable, and could cheapen the effect of our own film, making it look significantly more amateur than we'd like.
We are currently leaning towards the second option out of the two, however, as it has the added effect of making the letter look like a slitted pupil, adding to the sense of unease and alienation (HA) we're aiming to create. This can even be enhanced in editing if we decide to use this font after all.

The alternative font, which Adam picked out, looks like a better idea to me, simply because it is less well-known (it isn't used in anything; it's just a font), and also because Adam took the time to edit it into how I originally envisioned it. He has some reservations about it, so we may need to get some second opinions about whether or not people can tell that the font is implying a dual meaning.

Other than that, however, it seems these two are our chief contenders for our opening title sequence.

I must admit, I do still remain somewhat partial to one of the fonts proposed in my initial pitch. It's not necessarily better than the font above, in my opnion, but I'd liek to repost it for consideration anyway, just because I think it's aesthetically pleasing enough that it should at least be considered.
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