Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Filming: Session 1

The first weekend of filming was fairly successful, possibly because we only had one production team member and two actresses involved. Including breaks, filming took from 12pm to 5:30pm.

There were several issues with the lighting, considering the fact that one of the lights dimmed fairly quickly to a sort of orange tone and the other light was too stark in contrast, meaning most of the shots probably lack depth. However, since we're planning to play around with colour in editing anyway, hopefully the difference between the cold natural light and brighter tones when lighting is used can be evened out later. 

There is also a continuity error that we will need to refilm at one point (the music box has a lock on it in one shot and no lock the next), as well as an important shot which I forgot to take of an extreme close-up of the necklace with the key on it. This will hopefully be ratified the coming weekend, as I live only a few minutes away from the location; fixing these issues should take only a few minutes. 

The sound has thus far been fine, probably because the only piece of dialogue we've had has been inside, and so there was little ambient sound to interfere with the quality. The real challenge in terms of that should be this week, as we'll mostly be out in a park and in the city. 

There are also several occasions where I took the liberty of taking extra shots that hadn't been planned in the storyboard, simply because the opportunity presented itself (such as the shots with the actress's cat). We won't be able to use all of these, of course, but nevertheless they may provide some more interesting transitions or points of view on the characters and settings used.